It Takes Hope

A special Letter from the Board


Finding hope through one woman's journey.


The Story

It Takes Hope's story begins with another story. The story of Holly LeBlanc...

Holly LeBlanc always had a passion for people who are hurting. At the age of 18 her life took a major detour and she was faced head on with a life altering illness that resulted with a compromised digestive system. During her recovery, doctors discovered she was living with a neurological disorder. After five years of a misdiagnosis, they determined she had Friedreich’s Ataxia or FA for short. FA is a life-shortening disability. As a result of this disease she had lost her ability to walk. Her coordination and speech were affected. With the help of her family, friends and service dog, Barkley, she was able to navigate life. Then, Holly was also diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and she lost that battle on July 21, 2017.

Holly made a choice long ago to be better, not bitter, in her life. She desired to give purpose to this pain.

We all have challenges during our lives and each story is unique. It is through the sharing of her story, people will discover hope for their own battle. It has been a privilege to continue this message of hope. Our story continues through an event, the giving of funds and your donations.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. —Psalm 23:4


“I don’t have to worry about what is happening to me because I know God is with me.”

Holly Leblanc  |  Founder


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  • Holly is the one person who always brings a smile to my face even if hers isn’t smiling due to her circumstances. She laughs when most people would cry. She stays in the game when most people would want to be benched. And she always tries to find the God perspective. She is a highlight in my life!
    — Dan Seaborn
  • I have known Holly since she was in High School. She has always been a girl/woman who I could laugh with - crazy loud as well as shed some tears with. Holly has been a person whose difficult circumstances have not defeated her. Her faith, perseverance and sheer determination have been an encouragement and challenge to myself as well as to many others. I love Holly's honest and meaningful sharing of her life, her difficulties and her heart for what really matters - looking to and living for Jesus. She truly is an inspiration of HOPE.
    — Gayle Deur
  • I have known Holly since my sophomore year at Holland High. Holly was THAT GIRL. Holly was that girl with the charismatic personality that matched her crazy, cool, curly hair. She was that girl on the cheerleading team that I looked up to because her school spirit echoed the Spirit in her heart. She was that girl in theatre that was talented enough to make me hate her as the Wicked Witch of the West in Wizard of Oz and then adore her for her role as the blind Helen Keller in The Miracle Worker. Holly was just THAT GIRL that we all loved and adored for so many reasons.

    I don't know why God chooses some people to carry so much pain. I cry when I think of Holly carrying it, but in a strange juxtaposition of sadness and gratitude, I am given HOPE that it is through Holly's story of pain that more and more people are going to hear the name of Jesus.

    She's THAT GIRL... always has been and always will be that girl that I will remember when I need Jesus in my time of pain.
    — Sarah Le Febre